A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Four Attentions in Using Breeding Equipment to Raise Chicken Temperature Control

The use of breeding equipment to raise chickens is very simple, but there are many details that need to be paid attention to in actual operation. Especially the temperature control of the chicken house throughout the year. Let me introduce it to you today.


First of all, place the thermometer reasonably

The length and width of the chicken house in the standardized chicken house are larger. Therefore, the temperature in the east and west or north and south sides of the chicken house is not consistent. Farmers need to pay attention to the reasonable placement of thermometers. Put a thermometer in the east, middle and west of the chicken house to get the average temperature of the chicken house.


Second, cooling measures in summer

In summer, a wet curtain can be used to reduce the temperature in the chicken house. At the same time, you should pay attention to the opening time of the wet curtain and avoid low temperature in the chicken house or different temperature in the chicken house. Make chickens sick.


Third, temperature control in autumn

The temperature difference between day and night is relatively large in autumn. Farmers pay attention to adjusting the temperature of the chicken house. Pay attention to avoid the phenomenon of fluctuating high and low temperature in the chicken house.


Fourth, keep warm in winter.

In winter, the temperature is low, farmers can install heating or blowers in the chicken coop to increase the temperature in the chicken cages.



What do you need to prepare for raising chickens?

With the growth of market demand for eggs and chicken, many users want to join the breeding industry. For novices, before raising chickens, they must learn and prepare all the aspects needed to raise chickens.

1.Choose the right chicken raising equipment: now chicken raising is not a fully artificial era. Whether it is a small chicken house or a large chicken house, it is necessary to use chicken raising equipment to assist in raising chickens to improve the efficiency of chicken raising. Among them, chicken coops are currently the chicken-raising method chosen by many farmers. The chicken coops adopt multi-layer cages to improve the utilization rate of the chicken coop and increase the number of chickens.

2.Must be disinfected before entering the chickens: most of the novice farmers' chicken cages are new, and many farmers think that they are not disinfected. In fact, whether it is a new chicken house or an old chicken house, it must be carefully disinfected before entering the chicken house. This is to ensure the sanitation and health of the chicken house. Farmers recommend thorough disinfection one week before entering the chicken.

3.Check whether the equipment is complete: a lot of equipment is needed to raise chickens. For example, water tanks, sinks, drinking fountains, lighting equipment, thermometers, hygrometers, syringes and other appliances are needed. Purchase these utensils before raising chickens to avoid panic during the chicken raising process.



Things you should know about using automated chicken farming equipment

Now, many farmers will use automatic chicken raising equipment to raise chickens. Because they can improve work efficiency and reduce the work intensity of farmers. Despite the advancement of chicken breeding technology, some of the breeding did not make good profits. Today, I will talk about the things that need to be paid attention to when using modern equipment to raise chickens to help farmers improve their scientific management level.


First of all, farmers must be disinfected when they enter the chicken house. Generally, there will be farms around the farms. Farmers like to communicate with each other and lack awareness of epidemic prevention. They usually enter the chicken coop directly without disinfection, which may cause the chicken to get sick.


Second. I believe that many farmers know about vaccination. This is an effective way to prevent infectious diseases in chickens. However, there are also some farmers who do not standardize the operation of the vaccine, resulting in the vaccine not being able to work in the chicken flock.


Third. Pay attention to feed quality. Although there are many varieties of feed on the market, farmers cannot identify which one is good and which one is bad. Farmers should not only pay attention to the price of feed when choosing feed. Pay more attention to whether the nutrients you feed are balanced.


Battery cage system for poultry farming machinery manufacturer in Ghana

Many farmers in Ghana want to build a farm. But don't know how to start. There are many battery cage systems for poultry farming machinery manufacturers in Ghana.

We should know the relevant knowledge before we start breeding laying chickens. Must have modern chicken farming machinery and equipment. It also needs a modern breeding concept, so that a good modern chicken farm can be created.

Modern chicken farming machinery and equipment include: heating machinery, ventilation machinery, water supply machinery, feeding machinery, egg collection machinery, manure cleaning machinery, cages, lighting machinery and so on. Modern breeding concepts include: fostering awareness of good breeds, brooding of youngsters is equally important, emphasizing on usual management, strengthening disinfection, emphasizing feed quality and using less drugs, etc.





Generally speaking, the degree of mechanization of chicken breeding equipment is related to the production scale of the chicken farm. The larger the scale of the chicken farm, the higher the degree of mechanization of chicken raising equipment. If the scale is small, the degree of mechanization of chicken raising equipment can be lower. Even manual labor. Chicken farms in large and medium-sized cities can be built into a production method with a higher degree of mechanization of chicken raising equipment. The rest of the small and medium-sized chicken farms should adopt the semi-mechanized production method of chicken farming equipment. However, regardless of the degree of mechanization of chicken farming equipment, certain mechanical equipment is required.

We have many old customers from Ghana who buy our equipment. If you need it, you can send us an e-mail consultation. We do our best to serve you.


Cleaning methods of various drinking water equipment in chicken coops

In the process of raising chickens, many farmers do not know how to clean drinking water equipment. This will prevent the drinking fountains from being thoroughly cleaned, which will pollute the water quality in the long term and cause the chickens to get sick. Therefore, in the process of raising chickens, different cleaning methods must be mastered for different breeding equipment.

Cleaning of drinking jug

Drinking water bottles are the most commonly used water supply equipment for chickens, especially for chicks. This kind of drinking water bottle needs to be cleaned frequently, because there will be other substances in the drinking water bottle for a long time. If it is not removed in time, it will pollute the water and endanger the health of chickens.

For the cleaning of the drinking bottle, first choose a cloth with good water absorption performance. Carefully clean the bottom of the drinking jug, the outer surface of the jug, and the inside of the jug. If the caliber of the drinking bottle is too small, when cleaning the inside of the pot, soak a fist-sized rag ball with water, put it into the inside of the pot, hold the neck of the pot with one hand, turn the pot upside down, and rotate it quickly to make the rag The ball rotates from the top of the pot to the neck of the pot inside the body of the pot. Take out the rag ball and flush it with water from the drinking water bottle. In this way, the foreign matter inside the kettle body can be removed cleanly. Adding a disinfectant to the water at the same time as the cleaning, the cleaning effect is better.

Cleaning the nipple drinker

The nipple drinker is now the most widely used drinking water device in the chicken industry. The nipple drinker often drinks water and administers the medicine. Coupled with the long-term use of the automatic drinking water system, part of the medicine is deposited in the automatic water diversion system, which will cause the chicken to get sick. Therefore, the drinking nipple should also be cleaned frequently.

The cleaning of drinking nipples must be maintained in normal times. It is known that impurities have entered the drinking fountain. Rinse the water tank and pipe with clean water to prevent impurities from accumulating in the pipe.

The above is the summary of the drinking fountain cleaning method, hoping to help farmers make better use of breeding equipment to raise chickens.


How to deal with the high temperature and high humidity in the chicken coop?

Most chicken houses now use automatic ventilation systems. Because this method has good effect of cooling equipment and simple operation. It is currently widely used by most farmers. It is worth noting that farmers need to pay attention to the occurrence of high temperature and high humidity when using this system.

Adjust the nutritional level of the diet

The high temperature reduces the appetite of the chicken and the feed intake decreases. This leads to reduced intake of nutrients for chickens. Therefore, farmers must adjust the diet formula to meet the nutritional needs of chickens under heat stress conditions. Different nutrients produce different heat during digestion. Farmers need to pay attention to make the fat-derived feed as large as possible.

Regulate the feeding method

The temperature is highest at noon in summer. Chickens have low appetite. In the morning and evening, the temperature is suitable, and the chicken is hungry. Feeding at this time can stimulate appetite and increase feed intake. Since chickens are fed for 3-5 hours to produce heat, avoid feeding them after nine o'clock in the morning.

Light time

In order to meet the nutritional needs of chicken production or growth. Improve chicken anti-stress ability. Broilers can adopt the intermittent lighting system at night. For example: low light illumination for one hour, lights off for 2-3 hours. Laying hens can turn on the lights at around one in the morning to allow the chickens to move around and dissipate heat, and drink water for feed. The chickens began to lay eggs at dawn. This avoids laying eggs during high heat around noon and reduces heat stress.

The above is the method of raising chickens to deal with the high temperature and humidity in the chicken cages that I have shared. Hope to help farmers.



How to control the temperature of laying hen breeding?

In summer, the temperature is high, and chickens are warm-blooded animals and cannot cool down by themselves. This requires farmers to purchase some ventilation equipment to raising chicken or take some additional measures to cool the chicken house.

Spray water to cool down. Farmers can often use cold water to moisten the temperature. When the temperature exceeds 32°C, farmers can use the spray camera to spray cold water on the walls to cool down.

Improve the environment around the chicken house. The chicken coop was built in a place with lots of trees. In this way, it should be shaded during the day. The farmers also painted the walls of the chicken coop white. It can be achieved using the principle of heat absorption. The chicken coop carries out a special purpose.

Strengthen ventilation management. Good ventilation is an important measure to ensure the environment in the chicken house. In summer, farmers need to make full use of automatic environmental control systems. For example: fan. wet curtains, wind measuring windows, etc. You can also open the doors and windows of the chicken house and other measures to cool the chicken house. This can ensure maximum air circulation in the chicken house, thereby reducing the temperature in the house.

Provide sufficient, clean and safe water. The moisture content of eggs is relatively large. Adult chickens drink more water, especially in summer, usually about 300 mL per day. Drinking water has a great influence on the egg production rate of chickens, especially in summer. The higher the egg production rate, the greater the water requirement. If farmers want to increase the egg production rate, they must also increase the amount of water they drink. Only in this way can the laying rate of breeders be guaranteed. Due to the large amount of drinking water for chickens, farmers must regularly monitor the water quality to ensure the safety and health of the chicken drinking water.


Basic conditions for realizing automatic chicken breeding

What are the basic conditions for chicken farming equipment to realize automatic chicken farming? The specific operations are as follows:

The waiter should choose suitable chicken raising equipment. This is conducive to standardizing the management of chickens, improving breeding techniques, and saving breeding costs.

Farmers focus on strengthening feeding management. Improve the microclimate in the house. Provide a comfortable production environment for the chicken coop. Attention should also be paid to disease prevention and early detection and treatment to reduce and eliminate the occurrence of poultry diseases.

According to the characteristics of chickens, provide suitable temperature and humidity. Breeders ensure good air in the house through ventilation.

According to the chicken's biological clock, growth law and disease characteristics, formulate scientific light program and feed restriction program, and feed chickens at different growth stages with different formula feeds, so that the nutritional content of the diet is closer to the nutritional requirements of the chickens, and the feed can be improved. Conversion rates.

The most professional chicken cage equipment supplier, we remind everyone that it is very important to raise chickens, and it is also important to choose good breeding equipment. I hope that all farmers will do better in the breeding industry.


What aspects should be paid attention to when purchasing fully automatic chicken breeding equipment in Nigeria?

What aspects should be paid attention to when purchasing fully automatic chicken breeding equipment in Nigeria? Modern breeding equipment is developing rapidly. After all, there are many benefits of using automated breeding equipment. Automated feeding equipment only needs timing. The chicken house is clean and hygienic, thanks to the automatic manure cleaner. Manual cleaning of chicken manure is dirty and tiring.


Before 10,000 chickens were managed by 10 people, now one person takes care of 10,000 chickens. In a huge chicken farm, you only need to press the remote control, and the fully automatic chicken raising equipment will automatically complete the work of feeding, feeding, watering, ventilating, and picking up eggs. It can complete more than 10,000 eggs in less than 10 minutes. Chicken feeding task.






1. Choosing fully automatic chicken breeding equipment is divided into two types, one is step automation equipment, the other is cascading automation equipment.


2. Laminated automation equipment is layered on top of each other. This kind of cage must have automated equipment to complete the entire chicken raising process. Fully automatic chicken raising equipment must have more production processes to ensure the durability of the cage. There are currently three production process cages on the market for chicken farmers to choose from.


3. Now 80%—90% of chicken farmers use stepped chicken cages, and most chicken farms do not use automated equipment, but rely on manual operations, but every chicken farmer also I have all seen stepped automation equipment. Some of the stepped automation equipment is backward in technology, and the design is very unreasonable, and it does not meet the automation standards. Therefore, today, the fully automatic chicken farming equipment manufacturer, Great Wall Animal Husbandry, will introduce you to the cascade in the automated chicken breeding equipment. Automation equipment.


4. Cold galvanizing is also called electro-galvanizing. It has a thin galvanized layer and rusts in 2 to 3 years. It has a life span of 6 to 7 years. It is still so-so when it is used as an ordinary artificial breeding cage, but if it is an automated equipment cage It is absolutely impossible to consider.


How to strengthen disease prevention in the process of raising broilers?

Broilers are susceptible to diseases due to their rapid growth and sensitivity. Because most farmers now use poultry battery cages, the breeding density is relatively high, and they are more susceptible to a variety of diseases, which affect the growth and production of broilers. Therefore, the key task of large-scale broiler farming is to do a good job in disease prevention.

First of all, farmers must have a strict awareness of disinfection and realize the importance of disinfection. A disinfection tank should be set up at the gate of the farm for disinfection of vehicles entering and exiting. An ultraviolet disinfection room should also be set at the door to facilitate the disinfection of breeding personnel or other outsiders before entering the chicken house. It is necessary to strengthen the sanitation and cleaning of the breeding environment, and regularly disinfect the environment of the breeding farm and the environment of the chicken house.

Second, in order to prevent broiler chickens from getting disease, some health-care drugs can be put into the chicken feed to improve the disease resistance of the chicken body. Thereby reducing the occurrence of diseases. It is necessary to select drugs scientifically and reasonably, and do a good job in disease prevention. Once the chickens are sick, they must be isolated in time, and non-toxic, low-residue drugs should be selected for treatment. Do not use drugs blindly, otherwise it will not alleviate the disease of the broilers, but will also increase the cost of treatment.

Third, it is necessary to immunize the entire flock of chickens so that the broilers can obtain higher and more sustained immunity. When an epidemic occurs, the broilers can develop resistance and effectively avoid the disease. The immunization should be carried out strictly in accordance with the immunization procedure. Choose the right vaccine. Ensure the quality of the vaccine. Determine the best dosage. Only by choosing a suitable vaccination method can the best immune effect be achieved.

The above is the method to prevent epidemics from using automatic chicken farm equipment to raise broilers.


Expertise in using automatic chicken cages to raise chickens

Many farmers choose to use automatic chicken breeding equipment to raise chickens, so what professional knowledge is needed to use modern chicken breeding equipment, let's talk about it today.

Choose a good chicken breed. Excellent breeds are the basis for raising high-quality chickens. Choose breeds with full muscles and shiny feathers. They can also quickly adapt to the chicken cage environment.

The construction of the chicken house. Farmers should choose a place where the terrain is high, dry and can be drained. The breeder must plan the scale in advance, and there must be enough space in the chicken battery cages to put down the relevant equipment.

Choose feed. Chickens that grow in cages cannot run for food and provide nutrients like free-range chickens. This requires caged farmers to provide nutritious feed.

Pay attention to chicken grouping and strengthen inspections. Strong and weak chicks and diseased chicks should be reared in groups. It is best to check that weak chicks should be fed for the first time in the morning, as weak chicks are easily squeezed out. Eliminate the more seriously ill chicks immediately. Frequent inspections of chickens have three meanings: one is to understand the palatability and feeding amount of the feed through observation. The other is to detect and diagnose diseases from the diet, activity, and fecal status of the chicks in time. The third is to detect accidents in time. Deal with it in time to reduce losses.

The above is a brief introduction to the professional knowledge of chicken breeding in poultry chicken cages, hoping to help the farmers. In addition, if you want to learn more about chicken raising technology, you can refer to related books.


Expertise in using automatic chicken cages to raise chickens

Many farmers choose to use automatic chicken breeding equipment to raise chickens, so what professional knowledge is needed to use modern chicken breeding equipment, let's talk about it today.

Choose a good chicken breed. Excellent breeds are the basis for raising high-quality chickens. Choose breeds with full muscles and shiny feathers. They can also quickly adapt to the chicken cage environment.

The construction of the chicken house. Farmers should choose a place where the terrain is high, dry and can be drained. The breeder must plan the scale in advance, and there must be enough space in the chicken battery cages to put down the relevant equipment.

Choose feed. Chickens that grow in cages cannot run for food and provide nutrients like free-range chickens. This requires caged farmers to provide nutritious feed.

Pay attention to chicken grouping and strengthen inspections. Strong and weak chicks and diseased chicks should be reared in groups. It is best to check that weak chicks should be fed for the first time in the morning, as weak chicks are easily squeezed out. Eliminate the more seriously ill chicks immediately. Frequent inspections of chickens have three meanings: one is to understand the palatability and feeding amount of the feed through observation. The other is to detect and diagnose diseases from the diet, activity, and fecal status of the chicks in time. The third is to detect accidents in time. Deal with it in time to reduce losses.

The above is a brief introduction to the professional knowledge of chicken breeding in poultry chicken cages, hoping to help the farmers. In addition, if you want to learn more about chicken raising technology, you can refer to related books.