A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

The Effect of Water Loss Rate on Breeding Eggs

Too much or too little water in the eggs will have an impact on the quality of the chicks.

When the egg loses less water, the egg chamber is smaller, the chick's clam shell is difficult, the umbilical cord is poorly absorbed, the umbilical cord is inflamed, the yolk sac is not completely inhaled into the abdominal cavity, the big belly chicken is increased, and the chicken is attached with redness and swelling.

If the eggs are dehydrated too much, the embryos are dehydrated, and the chicks are prone to light weight, easy to dehydrate and dry, and lack of energy. Battery cage poultry sellers in uganda can solve this problem.


The Importance of Egg Quality

The  manufacturer of automated poultry system in Nigeria has proved that if the eggs used for hatching do not meet the requirements, the standard of qualified eggs can not be met, not only the hatching rate is easily caused during the hatching process, but also the hatching rate is reduced. After the chicks were weaker, the quality of the chicks was reduced, and the rate of death was higher in a week.

At the same time, the better the eggshell quality, the higher the hatching rate, and the better the quality of the chicks. Some shell eggs or sable eggs lose water due to the lack of water in the incubator, resulting in dehydration, light weight and lack of spirit.


Why are More and More People Feeding Hens?

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people's requirements for eggs are getting higher and higher. Not only do they stay on the nutritional requirements of eggs, but also pay attention to the safety of eggs. The eco-friendly and green eggs are more popular among consumers.

A layer chicken

Under such a general trend, some forward-thinking farms aimed at people's consumption needs and began to carry out laying hens. Although the laying rate of free-range ecological laying hens is not as high as that of chicken layer cages for sale in south africa, the breeding scale cannot be compared with ordinary laying hens, but it still relies on the green and ecological brand advantages to obtain considerable economic benefits.


Why Does the Eggshell Soften?

Adding multivitamins to chickens is an effective way to promote high yield and stable yield of laying hens. Among all kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin D. When the diet is deficient in vitamin D for a long time, the egg production of the laying hen will decrease, the eggshell will become softer and thinner, and calcium absorption can also be severely affected. Layer chicken cages for sale in Zimbabwe can solve this question.


How to Effectively Disinfect the Chicken House?

For chickens, disinfection is very important. The chicken house should be fully disinfected before it enters the house. Fumigation of chicken houses is generally carried out by fumigation. The trough and the drinker can be disinfected with disinfectant, or some disinfectant can be placed in the house. If it is not the first time to raise chickens with chicken layer cages for sale in south africa, disinfection of the chicken houses begins with the chickens.

a beautiful chicken in livi

After the broiler is out, there are many pathogenic microorganisms inside and outside the broiler house, and it must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected once. Disinfect the ground, walls and surrounding areas of the broiler house. All the manure should be concentrated in a pile to allow it to be fermented. All the farming tools should be cleaned and disinfected. Before disinfection, the house should be cleaned and cleaned first, and the organic waste should be cleaned to improve the disinfection effect.


Chicken Sickness Medication should be Cautious

If you used drugs to your chickens, you must strictly follow the instructions, including usage, dosage, treatment, etc. If veterinarian not allow to increase the dosage of medicine, You don't blindly overdo it and use it for a long time. The seller of battery cage system for broilers research shows that though many drugs names are different, but the active ingredients are same, so you must to check them when using them to avoid hidden excess. 


What are the Disadvantages of High Protein Content for Chicken?

When the content of protein is used, the breeder's compound feed is the first consideration. Compatible according to the formula, and the energy feed is matched when the protein content is satisfied.
In fact, if protein content of chicken is higher, chicken will can not absorb. Therefore, it is easy to cause protein levels to be exceeded without comprehensive consideration. In addition, artificially increase the protein level in order to increase the feeding speed. In fact, the protein feed content is too high, the body absorption is incomplete; the protein content is too high or the protein energy ratio is unbalanced, and the metabolic products of nitrogen excretion in the bird are discharged through the kidney in the form of urate, thus causing a burden on the kidney, which is easy to cause The liver and kidney function of the laying hens is weakened, resulting in a large amount of urate deposition and even gout. If you need more chicken layer cages for sale in south africa, please send e - mail to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I will reply you in the first time.


Prevention and Treatment of Protozoal Diseases

1, Coccidiosis. For the disease, try not to prevent the drug, because the coccidia and its spores are extremely resistant to drugs, and the drug is administered according to the therapeutic amount. After stopping the drug for 12 hours, the drug and the drug can be resistant. The drug resistance time can be as long as 3 weeks or more, and the prevention of pure Chinese medicine; coccidiosis with enteritis does not need to add drugs for enteritis, coccidiosis cures after intestinal inflammation, and coccidiosis is a composite preparation. There are drugs for treating enteritis; when coccidiosis is treated, insecticide is essential, and hemostasis is an aid to prevent individual bad pharmaceutical companies from reducing costs. Inverted and added high-dose hemostatic agents, and the insecticidal effect is poor, easy to relapse, and increased for later treatment. Difficulty. azra's poultry equipment.

2, chicken live leukocyte protozoa (white crown disease)

The disease has been in a high incidence in recent years, but the disease does not have an outbreak condition, and it is easy to treat without prevention.


Why Should we Eliminate Sick Chickens in Time?

If there is a cock in the laying hens, it will consume more feed, increase production costs, and should be eliminated in time; timely eliminate the sick chickens that can not stand for a long time, lame legs, grin and blind eyes, and eliminate the special thin chicken before laying eggs. And sick chickens, chickens that do not lay eggs at the peak of laying eggs, and chickens with low egg production rate are eliminated in the middle of laying. Roosters that raise cocks should always cull cocks with poor semen quality and loss of breeding ability. poultry equipment  price.


What are the Reasons for Feed Waste?

1. Direct waste. Direct waste from chicken farms due to unscientific feed management generally accounts for 5% to 15% of annual feed consumption. Among them, the structure of the trough is unreasonable, the placement height is improper or the filling material is too full waste 2% to 6%, the feed is too fine and the waste is 0.5%, the pheasant and the mouse are 1% wasteful, and the waste is 0.5%, not broken or broken. Improper waste of 3%. Chicken layer cages for sale in south africa.

2. Indirect waste. Indirect waste due to low feed efficiency accounts for 11% to 22% of total feed. Among them, the ambient temperature is too low to waste 4% to 6%, the feather is not completely wasted 2% to 6%, the excessive consumption is 3% to 5%, and the waste caused by parasites and diseases accounts for 2% to 7%. In production, it is necessary to save feed, reduce costs, and pay more attention to the indirect waste of feed. Because this kind of waste is not easy to find in the short term.


Why Add Insulation Equipment to the Chicken House?

The warming technology of winter chicken houses is mainly fire heating, plumbing or electric heating. Generally, heating equipment is required according to the geographical environment and climate of the breeding site. For example, in the north, the winter is usually dry and lasts for a long time, so the plumbing is used at the same time. With the wind heating effect is better. The plumbing is mainly characterized by the use of water with a larger specific heat capacity. The boiler heats the water distributed in the warm aluminum sheets of different orientations of the chicken house, and transfers heat to the chicken house through heat conduction to increase the temperature inside the chicken house. High, cost-effective, and widely used. In the south, the winter temperature is high, and it is suitable to use the energy-saving hot blast stove. azra's poultry equipment.

The hot blast stove mainly blows the warm air directly into the chicken house through the fan to increase the temperature. Experimental studies have shown that the use of hot blast stoves can effectively increase the temperature in the house, combined with the timed ventilation function can also significantly improve the air quality inside the house, which is welcomed by the majority of farmers. Some countries in Europe usually use plastic water storage tanks, while designing insulation, and maintaining good temperature in the house in winter.


What is the Most Suitable Density for Winter Chicken House?

It is generally believed that an appropriate increase in the stocking density of the house can increase the temperature of the house, which is conducive to the winter insulation of the house, but the stocking density should not be too high. Tests have shown that the feeding density of each cage is <4.2, which can maintain the higher productivity of the laying hens and positively affect the cold insulation of the house. automatic poultry farming equipment.

Therefore, in the winter, the stocking density of the chicken house can be appropriately increased to increase the temperature of the house, which brings considerable economic benefits to the farmers and reduces energy consumption.