A group of cute chicks
These chicks were born form egg shells, so cute.
Feeding chicken.
Many chickens are eating food.
poultry farming.
These chicken so beautiful, how did they do it?

Why is the automated chicken feed line more user-friendly?

Automatic chicken feeding equipment is one of the main equipments for chicken feeding equipment. The use of chicken feeding equipment is indispensable for raising chickens. Which kind of poultry farming equipment is better to choose depends on the performance and structure of the equipment, and whether the equipment is designed and manufactured according to the growth habit of the chicken. Example: Chickens don't like noise, like to eat, etc., whether the automatic chicken feeding equipment system is available.

First of all, introduce some characteristics of the automatic chicken feed line. The chicken feed line consists of two parts, which are the main line of chicken and the line of chicken accessories. The main feed line consists of material tower, feed pipe, screw conveyor auger, motor and level sensor. Its main function is to transport the materials in the material tower to the feeding tray of the auxiliary material line. The material level sensor automatically controls the feeding and opening of the motor. The auxiliary material line conveys the feed to each tray to achieve the purpose of automatic feeding.

The process of feeding the feed through the chicken feed line is quiet and does not stimulate the chicken. Chickens like to eat fresh feed, the feeding line cutting switch is controlled by the material level sensor, ready to cut at any time, and can eat fresh chicken food at any time to improve the feed conversion rate. When the chicken prefers to eat, the feed is taken out of the trough, and the edge of the automatic tray is tilted inward to prevent the feed from being taken out of the trough and waste, which can save the breeding cost.

The ideal chicken feed line should not only have good performance, but also adapt to the growth habits of the chickens, so that the chickens can grow healthily, and the farmers can increase the breeding income. Modern automated poultry farming equipment can save time and effort, and is very user-friendly design, so that chickens grow up happily. It is a breeding equipment that many farmers prefer.


Mistaken Ideas about Raising Chickens in Chicken Houses

At present, farmers use automatic Poultry Rearing Equipment to raise chickens. This profitable one usually belongs to large-scale breeding. Many details should be paid attention to when raising chickens. What are the misunderstandings of raising chickens in chicken houses and how to avoid them?


First of all, when buying chicken seedlings, we must know that we cannot blindly choose chicken seedlings, let alone buy bad chicken seedlings because of their low price. The quality of these chicken seedlings is not good and they will not survive for long. We must not choose them casually in order to save costs. We must know that good chicken seedlings are one of the key points for high income in the later period.




In fact, large-scale cultivation in farms pays more attention to the combination of different nutritional ingredients, especially when chickens are in cages, and the nutrition obtained is only chicken feed, so more attention should be paid to the nutrition of chickens when raising. Because different chickens need different nutrition in different seasons, if you can adjust the feed ratio in time, chickens will certainly grow better.

Illumination in chicken poultry farming cage is also very important. Many chicken farmers pay less attention to illumination in order to save money. In fact, suitable illumination can also improve the laying rate of laying hens. Then there is environmental sanitation. If even this cannot be done well, chicken diseases will definitely come to you frequently.


The prevention of chicken diseases in chicken houses should be well done. Many chicken farmers wait until the chicken diseases are obvious before curing them. This will not cost money and some chicken diseases may not be cured. Therefore, the key point of chicken diseases is to do a good job of prevention, and it is best not to get sick.



What should I pay attention to when using chicken battery cages?

The current aquaculture industry is very advocating the use of chicken battery cages to raise chickens, which is also a trend in the development of the world today. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens has a high density and a large number of cultures, which effectively increases the economic benefits of farmers. However, there are still many issues to be aware of when using chicken cages to raise chickens. The following authors will tell you one by one.

1. Choosing the right chicken cage equipment: At present, chicken cage equipment is divided into egg cages, broiler cages and brooding cages for raising chicks according to the varieties of egg broilers and chicks. Farmers need to choose the right chicken cage equipment according to the breed of chicken they are raising, so that they can purchase suitable cages to allow the chickens to grow and produce in a comfortable environment. In addition, we must pay attention to the quality of the chicken cage. We must choose a manufacturer with good quality and good reputation to ensure the quality of the chicken cage and ensure the service life of the chicken cage.

2. Pay attention to the disinfection of chicken houses: Nowadays, the breeding farms of many farmers are getting bigger and bigger, and the flow of people is faster. Therefore, the breeding environment of chicken farms is also easy to become bad, and the pollution of various pathogens is becoming more and more serious. Many farmers may be infected with diseases if they are not paying attention, resulting in economic losses. Therefore, the awareness of sanitation and disinfection in chicken farms must be carefully rooted in the consciousness of the farmers. Disinfection should be carried out throughout each breeding chain, and must not be negligent.

3. Pay attention to the selection of high-quality vaccines when immunizing: Farmers should pay attention to the purchase of high-quality vaccines produced by the national designated manufacturers when choosing immunization vaccines. Do not buy vaccines that are not guaranteed by manufacturers for cheaper prices, otherwise the cost is low. However, the effect is not good. In addition, before the inoculation, each vaccine bottle should be inspected for damage, tight sealing, vacuum in the bottle and whether it is valid. If it is unqualified, it cannot be used.

4. Pay attention to the rational use of drugs: In order to prevent disease between chickens, many farmers give their own medicines to prevent diseases, so that not only will there be no preventive effect, but also the resistance of the bacteria in the flock. The principle of medication is: only preventive drugs can be administered in the susceptible stage of the flock, and the drug should be stopped immediately when the prone period is over. When the flock is sick, the therapeutic dose of the drug is used. Once the condition is controlled, the drug is stopped immediately. Moreover, a drug is replaced once after use for a period of time to avoid drug resistance.

5. Pay attention to controlling the density of chickens in chicken cages: the density of breeding chickens in chicken cages is large, and some farmers are not able to raise the density of the chickens in order to increase the density of the chickens. Excessive density causes uneven growth of chickens, and it also increases harmful gases in the air. Chickens are prone to infection with E. coli, coccidia, etc., and can accelerate the disease. Therefore, in the process of raising chickens, farmers must not greet the amount of farming, ignoring the appropriate density.

The above five points are the precautions for raising chickens in the process of using poultry battery cages to raise chickens. Some precautions are required by the farmers and they are carried out. I hope that the above descriptions will bring some help to the farmers.


Management points of the external environment of the chicken house

In the process of raising chickens, many farmers tend to pay attention only to the environmental and sanitary inspections in the chicken houses. Regarding the environmental management outside the chicken house, it is often not reasonable science. In fact, if the external environment of the chicken house is bad, the same will also threaten the healthy growth of the chickens. Moreover, the harsh external environment also creates conditions for disease transmission, so the environmental management outside the house is just as important. The author will talk about the key to the external environment of the chicken house using chicken battery cages:

1. During the daily handling process, the farmers must pay attention to the cleaning operations outside the chicken house, and ensure that there are no garbage, no weeds, no debris, no residual feathers, no dead chickens, no residual feces, etc. The presence of dirt reduces the presence of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms in the house.

2. Regarding the roads of chicken farms, farmers should also pay attention to cleaning operations. Conditional farmers can disinfect them once a day with quaternary ammonium salt disinfectants. Local farmers within 5 meters around the chicken houses should also be disinfected every week. The operation, claiming that farmers can spray disinfection with 3% caustic soda solution. Use 1 kg of disinfectant solution per square meter of floor.

3. There are a lot of feces in the chickens every day. In addition to paying attention to the cleaning of the manure in the chicken house, the farmers should also pay attention to the treatment after the manure is cleaned outside the chicken house, and advocate that the farmers will dig the septic tank near the chicken house. The general size is 7 cubic meters per 1000 chickens. Note that the creation position of the septic tank should be selected in the downwind direction 30 meters away from the chicken house. The removed feces are placed in the pool every day, and the pool is covered with a plastic sheet to prevent fecal exudation and fermentation.

Fourth, if there are more chicken farms around the farmer's house, then it is necessary to pay more attention to the transmission of the disease. Do a good job of avoiding all the work. For the local chicken farms and chicken houses that are relatively close to the chicken farms, in order to control cross-infection, it is necessary to avoid the mutual breeding between the farmers and the chickens in other chicken houses. The staff and the staff were instigated to do a good job of segregation.

The above four points are the authors telling the farmers that when using poultry farming equipment, the management of the environment outside the chicken house is the key.


Management of Safe Raising Chickens in Farms in Autumn and Winter

There are some differences in the way chickens are raised in different seasons, especially in autumn and winter when the daily temperature and temperature difference between day and night vary greatly. In order to provide a good living environment for the chickens in the battery cage for chickens and give better play to the production performance of the chickens, attention should be paid to the control of temperature, humidity and ventilation.



The temperature in the chicken coop should be kept at 18℃~23℃, and the minimum temperature should not be lower than 15℃. Adjust the size of the air inlet every day according to the weather and the performance of the chickens. Don't let the cold wind blow the chickens directly to prevent the chickens from getting sick due to cold stress. Don't open the air window facing the temperature controller to prevent cold air from blowing directly into the temperature controller so that the temperature around it does not conform to the actual temperature in the chicken coop. When installing the timing temperature control exhaust fan, select the louver with complete louver instead of the north exhaust fan.





Before winter comes, clean the Chicken Breeding Equipment Machinery of the chicken cage to avoid the influence of too much dust. There are no chickens or very few chickens on the scaffolding at one end of the air inlet in the chicken house and on the ground, indicating that it is cold here. Adjust the air inlet or plug the air leakage to prevent stress and prevent the occurrence of common cold in the chicken coop. Every day before leaving work, check the exhaust fan and motor to see if the temperature-controlled exhaust fan is sensitive. Watch the weather forecast every day in order to do prevention work well in advance.


Do a good job in the temperature management of chicken coops in winter. When the temperature in the coops is suitable, increase the ventilation. Adjust the water pressure of nipple drinking line to below 10cm, or adjust the water level of drinking device to below 1cm. Check the drinking water line frequently, and replace or repair the nipple joint with water leakage. If the drinking water device leaks water, it should be handled in time to prevent the excessive ammonia smell in the chicken coop caused by water leakage from affecting the health of the chicken flocks.



Benefits of using chicken coops to raise laying hens

Chickens are kept in poultry farming chicken cages and are kept using poultry farming equipment. layer cage equipment is a kind of feeding method that allows chickens to leave the ground, high-density culture and three-dimensional structure. Compared with general flat culture, it has many advantages. The following layer cage manufacturers will introduce these advantages one by one for the farmers to refer to.

1. Save the province and land: Take chickens as an example. You can only raise 5 chickens per square house, and 15-25 cages for cages, which can raise 3-5 times more chickens than flat raise. In terms of land occupation from poultry houses, flat-range free-range is 6-10 times larger than caged land. Because of the need to raise the sport, it is twice as large as the chicken house.

2. Saving materials and saving grass: The activity of caged laying hens is small, the density is high in winter, the temperature in the house is high, the chicken body is used to maintain less energy, and there is no need to lay grass in the chicken house.

3. Labor saving and trouble-saving: When raising the feed, the chickens are called back, it is very difficult to feed, and the cage can be used to feed, add water, pick eggs, observe chickens, catch chickens, etc. There is no need to lay grass or remove the soil gasket. It is also more troublesome to clean the dung. It is to feed hundreds of chickens, and it will not take much time every day. Suppose a household intensively raises 200-300. In addition to participating in other normal labor, the farmer can take advantage of it in the morning and evening or some scattered time.

4. Conducive to epidemic prevention: Chickens are not kept in the cage, do not touch the feces, cut off direct contact with the outside world, reduce the chance of infection of the epidemic, and at the same time facilitate the adoption of epidemic prevention measures.

5. High economic efficiency: cage farming is a good way for farmers to get rich.

6. There will be no contradiction with agricultural production: chickens are kept in layer chicken cages, they will not wander around, buckwheat eat rice, harm crops, and will not poison poisons and die.

7. Provide high-quality fertilizer for agricultural production; the manure of caged chickens will not be easily collected, because chicken manure is the highest quality fertilizer with the highest nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in farm manure. With a total of 200, it can provide more than 7,000 kilograms of superior fertilizer for agricultural production in one year.

8. Active urban and rural markets: In order to get the national economy up and as soon as possible, in order to meet the needs of the people's lives, we are implementing the policy of state-run, collective and individual in raising chickens. If the conditional individual households raise chickens like this, the commercial eggs and commercial chickens for the market will be very impressive figures. It will greatly activate the urban and rural market, which is both good for the country and good for the individual.


Benefits of using chicken coops to raise laying hens

Chickens are kept in poultry farming chicken cages and are kept using poultry farming equipment. layer cage equipment is a kind of feeding method that allows chickens to leave the ground, high-density culture and three-dimensional structure. Compared with general flat culture, it has many advantages. The following layer cage manufacturers will introduce these advantages one by one for the farmers to refer to.

1. Save the province and land: Take chickens as an example. You can only raise 5 chickens per square house, and 15-25 cages for cages, which can raise 3-5 times more chickens than flat raise. In terms of land occupation from poultry houses, flat-range free-range is 6-10 times larger than caged land. Because of the need to raise the sport, it is twice as large as the chicken house.

2. Saving materials and saving grass: The activity of caged laying hens is small, the density is high in winter, the temperature in the house is high, the chicken body is used to maintain less energy, and there is no need to lay grass in the chicken house.

3. Labor saving and trouble-saving: When raising the feed, the chickens are called back, it is very difficult to feed, and the cage can be used to feed, add water, pick eggs, observe chickens, catch chickens, etc. There is no need to lay grass or remove the soil gasket. It is also more troublesome to clean the dung. It is to feed hundreds of chickens, and it will not take much time every day. Suppose a household intensively raises 200-300. In addition to participating in other normal labor, the farmer can take advantage of it in the morning and evening or some scattered time.

4. Conducive to epidemic prevention: Chickens are not kept in the cage, do not touch the feces, cut off direct contact with the outside world, reduce the chance of infection of the epidemic, and at the same time facilitate the adoption of epidemic prevention measures.

5. High economic efficiency: cage farming is a good way for farmers to get rich.

6. There will be no contradiction with agricultural production: chickens are kept in layer chicken cages, they will not wander around, buckwheat eat rice, harm crops, and will not poison poisons and die.

7. Provide high-quality fertilizer for agricultural production; the manure of caged chickens will not be easily collected, because chicken manure is the highest quality fertilizer with the highest nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in farm manure. With a total of 200, it can provide more than 7,000 kilograms of superior fertilizer for agricultural production in one year.

8. Active urban and rural markets: In order to get the national economy up and as soon as possible, in order to meet the needs of the people's lives, we are implementing the policy of state-run, collective and individual in raising chickens. If the conditional individual households raise chickens like this, the commercial eggs and commercial chickens for the market will be very impressive figures. It will greatly activate the urban and rural market, which is both good for the country and good for the individual.


The difference between cage rearing and peace rearing in farms

In the breeding industry, there are many ways to raise chickens. With the continuous development of the times, more and more farmers tend to use chicken cages to raise chickens because the multi-layer and three-dimensional breeding mode can increase the number of chickens. With the emergence of poultry farming equipment, flat chicken farms have become rare. What are the differences and advantages of cage culture?


1 Cage culture is more than flat culture. Flat culture refers to the cultivation on the ground. The ground area of the chicken coop can be used to raise as many chickens as possible, and the density is relatively small. The chicken coop can only raise more chickens unless it is very large, but cage culture is different. Cage culture is to raise chickens in cages, usually in multi-layer cage culture. The cages are stacked one on top of the other. The area above the chicken coop can be used together to raise more chickens, and the cage culture method can raise more than three times more chickens in the same chicken coop area than flat culture.

2. Chicken battery cages rearing can reduce the incidence of some diseases. The flat rearing method is adopted to raise chickens. The chickens only contact the ground directly, so the feces produced by the chickens are also directly on the ground. Farmers cannot clean up at any time. The chickens are easy to contact the feces and the probability of contracting diseases will increase. However, if cage rearing is used to raise chickens, the feces produced by the chickens will fall directly onto the feces belt or the ground with the cages, and the chickens will not directly contact the feces, which is beneficial to the control of diseases.



3. In the past, farmers used to raise chickens in a flat manner. There was no fixed place between the chickens. The range of activities was relatively large. Farmers were also difficult to feed chickens. Once the feed intake of chickens decreased again, it was impossible to determine which chicken was the chicken. Moreover, the range of activities was large, the consumption of physical energy was large, and the feed cost would pass. However, cage rearing was divided into one cage and one cage. Each cage had a fixed number of chickens and feed intake position. Therefore, the farmers could not only feed conveniently, but also observe the feed intake and health status of each chicken. The chickens moved within the cage.

4. The cage rearing method is more efficient than the flat rearing method in raising eggs and broilers. With the flat rearing method for raising chickens, the farmers need to do all kinds of work by themselves, such as cleaning dung, feeding and picking up eggs, etc. These heavy tasks need to be done manually, and the cost will increase virtually due to the large number of farmers raising eggs. With caged chickens, farmers can completely free their hands, because the continuous development of chicken raising equipment now makes it possible for many equipment to automatically clean dung, feed and pick up eggs. Although the price of the equipment is higher than that of employing human resources, the efficiency is high, and the equipment can be used for more than ten years. On average, the cost is actually reduced.



How to manage a chicken house using chicken cage equipment?

Breeding wants to increase economics by raising chickens. It is easy to build a chicken farm and purchase poultry farming equipment. However, how to scale and industrialize the management of chicken farming in chicken farms is a more challenging task for healthy production of chickens. Farmers who manage poor chicken houses may have problems and lose economic benefits. Therefore, the author will share what aspects of the farmer's management in the process of raising chickens.

1. Reasonable division of the area: The whole area of the chicken farm should be in accordance with the production process and poultry epidemic prevention requirements, and the office and living areas, production areas and manure treatment areas should be arranged according to functions. The boundaries between the districts are clear and easy to connect, separated by walls and green belts. It is best to have a spray disinfection device at the entrance of the production area. All personnel must change clothes, change shoes and disinfect. The cleaning lanes and pollution roads in the production area are strictly separated, and personnel, poultry and articles are taken in a single flow direction. Walls and epidemic prevention ditch should be built around the site. Large-scale large-scale sites should have a duty room at the gate entrance and exit.

2. Selected fine varieties: Poultry breeding varieties are selected according to local conditions, such as AO+, Rose 308 for broilers, New Roman and Isa for egg hens, and commercial chickens should be purchased from licensed poultry farms. Choose good poultry varieties for maximum economic benefit.

3. Scientific construction of poultry house: The chicken house is solid in construction, capable of heat preservation, and has the ability to resist natural disasters. It strives to achieve warm winter and cool summer, light and ventilation, convenient for daily operation and mechanization, and easy to implement scientific feeding management.

4. Equipped with breeding facilities: If possible, use advanced automatic drinking water system, automatic feeding system, and laying equipment with lighting equipment. Large-scale poultry farms are equipped with storage tanks or storage silos, and adopt advanced production facilities such as fans and wet curtain cooling mechanical ventilation systems to fully utilize poultry production levels.

5. Strengthen personnel management: Strictly control the off-site personnel to enter the scale poultry farm. If necessary, they should change clothes and change shoes, and then enter the disinfection room. All incoming items must be strictly disinfected. Larger farms must be equipped with animal husbandry and veterinary professional technicians who are suitable for the size of the breeding. On a medium-sized scale, there should be more than one technician trained in animal husbandry and veterinary professional knowledge. The breeder is relatively fixed, and there is no postage. The breeder usually observes the health status of the poultry and maintains the environmental sanitation inside and outside the poultry house. Regularly clean and disinfect the surrounding environment, inside and outside the poultry house, utensils, equipment, etc., and at the same time do a good job in rodent control, mosquito killing, and prevention of wild animals and wild birds.

The above is the five points shared by the author. Regarding the management points of the chicken house that uses the chicken battery cages, thank the farmers for their attention!


The importance of temperature in broilers on chicken farms

The temperature varies from season to season, and the impact of different seasons on feeding management is also great. Especially when changing seasons, the difference in temperature has a great impact on the growth and development of broilers. It is also different. Therefore, farmers should look after the chickens in the poultry cage equipment.



The effect of high temperature on the growth of broilers. High temperatures have an effect on the broiler's breathing and body temperature. Because broilers do not have sweat glands, in order to maintain the balance of heat in the body, broilers only increase the respiratory rate to increase their heat dissipation. Increasing heat by breathing has its own drawbacks. As the respiratory rate increases, a large amount of carbon dioxide is excreted, and the acidity and alkalinity in the broiler cannot be balanced to cause alkali poisoning. When the temperature is too high, it will directly cause damage to the respiratory tract of the broiler and affect normal life activities. High temperatures can affect the activity of enzymes in broilers, especially digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes play a pivotal role in the digestive system of broilers. When the temperature is too high, the digestive enzymes are destroyed, and the destruction of the enzyme is irreversible, and once the enzyme is destroyed, it cannot be repaired. High temperatures also affect the quality of broilers. When the temperature is too high, the rate of protein denaturation in the body after slaughter is abnormal, which directly leads to changes in the color of the flesh and a decrease in the moisture content in the body.



The effect of suitable temperature on the growth of broilers. At the appropriate temperature, the broiler's life activities are normal, the broiler's breathing rate and body temperature are normal, the body's pH is balanced, and the enzyme activity in the broiler remains in a more active state, including digestive enzymes. Therefore, the digestive function of broilers is good, and the quality of broilers grown at a suitable temperature is good.


The effect of low temperature on the growth of broilers. The broiler's food intake increases under low temperature conditions, the demand for feed increases, the activity time decreases, and unnecessary calorie consumption is avoided. Cold stress can also occur when the temperature suddenly drops, causing respiratory illness in the broiler flock. A decrease in temperature can result in a decrease in the resistance of broilers to disease and is not conducive to management. In order to maintain a certain temperature in the house when the temperature is low, the ventilation will be reduced. At this time, it is easy to breed germs and pose a potential threat to the healthy growth of the broiler.



Whether the brooding temperature is suitable or not depends mainly on the behavior of the flock. It cannot be measured by temperature alone. It is mainly adjusted according to the behavior of the chicken in the cage to ensure the temperature of the chick in poultry farming cage.



How to scientifically supplement light when using chicken cages to raise chickens?

In the breeding of laying hens, the reasonableness of light is an important factor affecting the growth of laying hens and production. Nowadays, farmers who use layer chicken cages to raise chickens usually use light equipment to light the chickens. Artificial lighting should be carried out scientifically and reasonably to ensure normal illumination. The author refers to the experience of poultry farming equipment manufacturers, to talk about several aspects of lighting.

1. The light should be stable: the light for the laying hens is generally from the age of 19 weeks, the light time should be short to long, and it is better to increase the temperature by half an hour every week. When the daily light time reaches 16 hours, it should maintain stable illumination, and it can't be long or short. The best way is to fill the light once in the morning and evening.

2. The intensity should be suitable: for laying hens, the required light intensity is generally 2.7 watts per square meter of house. In the multi-layer cage chicken house, in order to make the bottom layer have sufficient illumination, the illumination should be improved during design, generally 3.3~3.5 watts per square meter.

3. Illumination should be uniform: the bulb installed in the house should be 40-60 watts, the general lamp height is 2 meters, and the lamp distance is 3 meters. If more than 2 rows of bulbs are installed in the house, they should be arranged in a cross. The distance between the light bulb and the wall against the wall should be half the distance between the bulbs. It should also be noted that the damaged bulb should be replaced at any time and the bulb should be wiped once a week to maintain proper brightness.

4. It is advisable to use red light: different light colors and different wavelengths. Tests have shown that hens raised under red light have higher egg production rates than hens under other color light when other conditions are the same.

The above four points are the points to be noticed by artificial lighting, and hope to help the farmers. If you would like to find out more, or have other questions you would like to consult, you can contact the technical service staff of the poultry equipment manufacturers.


Chicken machinery and equipment: introduction of feed line for chicken house feeding equipment

The continuous development of modern farming equipment has led most farmers to choose chicken machinery and poultry cage equipment to raise chickens, which can free the labor force and can be managed centrally. Today, we will talk about the feeding equipment in the farming equipment separately.

Chicken Breeding Equipment is use to feed chickens in large chicken farms. With the improvement of feeding level and production technology, there are more and more breeding equipment in the farms. Many farmers have installed chicken feed lines. The chicken feed line is an automated feeding device, and the amount of feed that can be fed can be controlled more accurately, saving costs and thus improving the economic benefits of the farmers.



Main accessories for chicken feed line in chicken farm: The chicken feed line is mainly composed of driving device, hopper, conveying pipe, auger, tray, suspension lifting device, anti-habiting device and material level sensor. Its main function is to transport the material in the hopper to each tray to ensure the consumption of the chicken, and the material level sensor automatically controls the feeding and opening of the motor to achieve the purpose of automatic feeding. The chicken feed line is an automated chicken feeding device that is mainly adapted to feeding broilers and laying hens. It has the characteristics of high degree of automation, accurate feeding control, etc. It mainly consists of material tower, material tray, conveying pipe, auger, motor and material level sensor. The trays on each material line are generally divided into 16 grids, which can supply a normal diet of 50-70 chickens and evenly distributed. It can effectively reduce the work intensity of chicken farmers, save farming costs, save time and effort.


In the chicken equipment, the production and manufacturing techniques of the material line are relatively transparent. We pay attention to the quality problem when purchasing, and choose the reputable manufacturers to avoid buying fake goods, which will not only affect the service life but also cause safety. Hidden dangers. Hope it could help everyone.