Method of breeding chicken

Nowadays, our society developing fast. More and more people beginning to farming poultry, then how to breeding chicken? In here you will learn more breeding techniques. Let's have a look.

Chicken Breeding Technology-Summer Chicken Management Points

During the summer season, the weather is hot, which often causes the chickens to eat less, grow slowly, reduce egg production, and even cause chickens to die. Based on the experience of integrated poultry farming equipment manufacturers, talk about your own opinions on the management of chicken management in summer. 1. Change the ambient temperature. The optimum egg laying temperature for laying hens is 13-25 degrees, while the summer temperatures generally exceed 25 degrees. Therefore, changing the ambient temperature and…

What do you need to pay attention to when raising chicken?

Now more and more people choose to raise chickens in poultry farming equipment, and think that raising chickens has great development, but what do you need to pay attention to when raising chickens? First, blind introduction. The figure is cheap and ignores the quality of the chicks or simply pursues fashion. It does not consider the natural conditions of the region and its own breeding conditions, blindly pursuing new varieties and varieties. Some breed chickens in different batches, and some…

How to disinfect the broiler house?

When carrying out broiler breeding work, no matter whether the broiler chickens we raised are sick or not, the pathogens will remain in the chicken house and the next batch of chickens will be contaminated. Therefore, we must carry out the empty chicken houses when carrying out the next batch of broiler breeding work. Thorough disinfection work makes the new batch of chickens only have a clean and hygienic living environment, so as to prevent the spread of various diseases.…

Method of reducing the temperature of the house

In the summer, raise the chicken to pay attention to the temperature change in poultry cage equipment. When the temperature is too high, pay attention to how to change the temperature of the house. 1, water spray cooling When the temperature exceeds 32 °C, cold water can be sprayed on the top of the chicken house with a high-pressure rotary atomizer, and the chicken body can be cooled by cold water spray, generally reducing the temperature by 5 to 6…

How to reduce feed waste during chicken raising?

In addition to poultry farming equipment, the biggest production cost of chicken farms is the cost of feed, which accounts for about two-thirds of the total expenditure. According to statistics, in poorly managed and ineffective chicken farms, feed waste can account for 3% to 8% of annual feed consumption. Therefore, reducing feed waste is an important measure to increase the efficiency of chicken farms. 1. Maintain a suitable ambient temperature. When building a chicken house, pay attention to the insulation…

How to manage free-range chicken

The advantage of raising free-range chickens is that the free-range chickens grow slowly, the range of activities is large, the meat quality and egg taste are better, the market demand is getting bigger and bigger, and the number and quantity of artificial feeding are reduced, and the feed cost is reduced, but How should the free-range chickens be managed? 1, The first is the choice of address, try to choose the area with a flat mountainside, convenient drainage, the area…

Development trend of caged layer chicken breeding technology

1. Analysis and research on the breeding of resistant breeds of laying hens Breeding and improving the breeds of laying hens in order to achieve a better adaptation to the cage-fed method, so that the cultured varieties can be matched with the breeding methods. Based on the following two theories, one is the theory of quantitative genetics, the other is the theory of molecular genetics, combined with the most advanced biotechnology in China, and then breeds to breed high-inherited hybrid…

How does egg laying raise the egg production rate?

Although there are more and more farmers using fully automatic poultry farming equipment, the most important concern for laying hens is the amount of eggs laid. The key to increasing egg production is to extend the peak of laying of hens, because most of the eggs produced in a single egg come from this peak period. The longer this period, the total number of eggs laid. The higher. What should be done specifically to make this peak period as prolonged…

Factors of Chicken Illness

It is inevitable that chickens are sick in chicken battery cages, so what are the factors that cause chicken disease? 1, Poor feeding: nutritional imbalanced feed, lack of one or more ingredients, improper feeding methods will make chicken susceptible to disease. For example, the uneven mixing of vitamin additives may cause some chickens to eat too much, and the chickens with weak constitution can not eat or eat insufficient feed, which makes the chickens evenly poor and easy to get…

Raising management techniques for chicks

Chicks generally refer to chickens that were born less than 50 days old. Chicks have young bodies, incomplete development of body functions, sensitive nervous system, high sensitivity to external changes, incomplete intestinal development, and poor resistance, but chicks are characterized by strong metabolism and rapid growth. The objective factors such as the environment in which the chicks live and the equipment of the feed have a great influence on the growth and development of the chicks. In the actual production…